10 Ways to Winterize Your Car

Winterizing your car is more important than you might think. Yes, the car is prepared to drive in the cold, but you still need to do more to make the vehicle as safe as possible. Using these tips, you can improve your overall driving experience and keep each vehicle in much better condition.
Tire Pressure
Check your tire pressure and make sure the tires are fully pumped up. You need as much traction as you can get, and flatter tires will not grip the way you want them to. The only difference is if you drive off-road or on rugged terrain quite often (and you should refer to your owner’s manual for guidance.)
Clean Your Car
Clean the car completely, and make sure that you do not have any gunk or debris stuck to the body. Basically, you don’t want your car to have lingering issues that will get covered by snow, salt, and ice only to make the car that much worse throughout the winter.
Refill Early
Always keep a half tank of gas in your car. This is just a good decision to make when you’re driving in harsh conditions. You never want to be stuck in a situation where you cannot walk to a gas station or contact roadside assistance.
Service Your Vehicle
Get your vehicle serviced before the winter season starts. There are many times when drivers overlook all the other services they need. If you want to know which services would help you keep your car in the best condition, you can reach out to a local dealer or mechanic.
Try Winter Windshield Wipers
Add winter windshield wipers to your car so you have the cleaning power you need. This is especially important when you live in places where the winters are very harsh and you will experience snow, hail, freezing rain, sleet, salt from the road, gritting machines, and more.
Pack Your Winter Safety Kit
Pack a winter safety kit in your car that includes water, blankets, a change of clothes, a flare, matches, and anything else that will help you survive a harsh winter if you’re stuck outside or in the car.
Get Your Oil Changed Before It Gets Too Cold
Don’t wait to get your oil changed. If you wait too long, the cold weather can turn your oil into sludge, potentially damaging the engine.
Wax Your Car
Waxing your car adds a protective layer that will prevent salt and grime from damaging the paint job.
Change the Air Filter
Change your air filter so it doesn’t clog with debris throughout the winter.
Change to Winter Tires
Make the change to winter or all-weather tires. This simple change can help you keep your car in very good condition, ensuring you can drive safely in any and all-weather conditions.
Contact Roger Smith Insurance for More Information on Winter Car Safety and Auto Insurance
Contact Roger Smith Insurance for assistance with winter car safety and auto insurance. Our team is happy to help you find a better insurance policy, and we also help our clients take care of their vehicles and prepare for the harsh winter that lies ahead. While you might feel you don’t need to winterize, you should consider taking these steps for safety’s sake.